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(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today visited the North Conway Water Precinct where she called for continued investments in energy efficiency programs so that the nation can reduce its dependence on foreign oil and consumers can save on energy costs. She highlighted the need to pass comprehensive energy legislation that would help expand the clean energy sector of the economy and create new jobs. The North Conway Water Precinct recently installed a photovoltaic solar array and geothermal heating system, which were both funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

"Energy efficiency is the fastest and most cost effective way to address our energy challenges," said Shaheen. "Improving energy efficiency will help get America running on clean energy, reduce dangerous pollution, break our addiction to Middle East oil, and create jobs in our communities. This project helped create jobs here in New Hampshire, and will help the town and its residents save money for years to come. These are exactly the type of investments we should be making in communities."

The North Conway Water Precinct recently installed a photovoltaic solar array and a geothermal heating system using ARRA funds to increase the facility's energy efficiency. The solar array and heating system are projected to save North Conway residents thousands of dollars every year. This project also helped create jobs, with the installation completed by New Hampshire companies and the majority of the materials made in the USA.

"Senator Shaheen's support of ARRA has helped our constituents by providing the necessary funding to execute these worthwhile projects.  Not only has this project allowed the Precinct the opportunity to repair and upgrade its existing HVAC system, it has allowed us to modernize our systems, reduce green house emissions, reduce our dependency on foreign oil, reduce maintenance schedules, and, most importantly, provide the Precinct the opportunity to level fund or reduce treatment cost to all our customers," said David Bernier, superintendent of the North Conway Water Precinct.

Investing in energy efficiency is especially critical in New Hampshire, which is currently one of the most petroleum dependent states in the nation due to the state's reliance on oil to heat buildings.  A New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning study suggests that approximately 84 cents of each dollar spent on diesel fuel and heating oil leaves the state.  Energy efficiency projects can help reduce the amount of money sent out of state by lowering energy consumption and costs, while at the same time promoting clean energy jobs in New Hampshire.