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Shaheen: CBO Report Confirms the “Reckless” Republican Healthcare Repeal Bill Would Be “Devastating to Granite Staters Health and Wellbeing”

**SHAHEEN: “Throwing 23 million Americans off their insurance is not a successful healthcare plan.” **

(Washington DC) – After the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its score on the Republican healthcare plan showing that 23 million Americans would lose coverage, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen released the following statement:

“Today’s CBO report confirms that the Republican healthcare repeal bill is not only reckless, it would be devastating to Granite Staters’ health and wellbeing. Throwing 23 million Americans off their insurance is not a successful healthcare plan. The Republican leadership’s repeal bill would result in many patients paying more and receiving less coverage, while eliminating protections that prevent insurance companies from discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions such as a history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or postpartum depression. The repeal bill would be particularly harmful to New Hampshire’s response to the opioid epidemic, eliminating Medicaid expansion that has helped Granite Staters get the substance misuse treatment they need. I urge my Republican colleagues to commit to working in a bipartisan manner to improve the Affordable Care Act and ensure that more Americans have affordable, accessible care.”