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Shaheen Celebrates Groundbreaking of Multi-Mission Dry Dock Project at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard



 9.8.21 PNSY

A senior member of the Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees, Shaheen has historically secured the authorization of funds for the multi-mission dry dock project.

(Manchester, NH) – This morning, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees, delivered remarks at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard’s groundbreaking ceremony for the multi-mission dry dock project. The project will expand dry dock capacity at the Shipyard, which will allow the facility to support the maintenance and overhaul of the U.S. Navy’s next-generation Virginia-class submarines. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, Senator Hassan (D-NH), Representative Chris Pappas (NH-01) and members of Maine’s congressional delegation were also in attendance.

Shaheen has historically secured authorization and federal funding for the multi-mission dry dock project. In the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs funding bill for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, Shaheen again secured these investments, which includes $475 million in funding for the multi-mission dry dock project. Last week, Shaheen announced that Plaistow’s Methuen Construction was awarded a federal contract to complete the Dry Dock 2 complex at the Shipyard.

“America’s national security is strengthened by the critical work performed each day at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, where we have a skilled and dedicated workforce to ensure our submarine fleet is ready to face any challenge,” said Shaheen. “I was thrilled to be on hand this morning with Navy Secretary Del Toro, Shipyard leadership and the New Hampshire and Maine congressional delegations to celebrate the groundbreaking of the multi-mission dry dock project, which will empower the Shipyard to meet the future maintenance needs for Virginia-class submarines. As a senior member of the Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees, I’ll keep working to make sure the Shipyard and its workforce have the necessary funding, resources and support to carry out its work, as well as push for continued investments and the timely implementation of this project through the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan, which is crucial to the future of the Navy’s shipyards.”

In addition to her leadership through the Senate Armed Services Committee on annual defense legislation, Shaheen also prioritizes legislation in the Senate in support of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. This includes the Supplying Help to Infrastructure in Ports, Yards, and America’s Repair Docks (SHIPYARD) Act of 2021, which she introduced earlier this year with Senator Wicker (R-MS), and would provide $25 billion to make investments needed to optimize, improve and rebuild shipyard facilities, electrical infrastructure, environmental systems, and the equipment of public and private shipyards in the U.S. that support the U.S. Navy fleet. Shaheen and Wicker are co-chairs of the Senate Navy Caucus.