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Shaheen, Collins Applaud Senate Passage of Resolution Recognizing American Diabetes Month

(Washington, D.C.) This morning U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Susan Collins (R-ME), co-chairs of the Senate Diabetes Caucus, applauded Senate passage of their bipartisan resolution recognizing November as American Diabetes Month. The resolution supports the goals and ideals of American Diabetes Month, including public awareness of prevention and treatment options, and enhancing education of the risks of developing diabetes. It also recognizes the importance of decreasing the incidences of type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes through research, treatment and prevention.  

“Diabetes severely impacts the quality of life for millions of Americans, and I’m pleased that during American Diabetes Month the Senate is recognizing the need to raise awareness,” said Senator Shaheen. “This month serves as an important reminder of the enormous toll this disease takes on the health of our citizens and the burden in places on our healthcare system.”

"Diabetes is a life-long condition that does not discriminate. This resolution recognizes the significant human toll of this disease, which affects people of every age, race, and nationality,” said Senator Collins. “American Diabetes month serves as a critical reminder of how vital it is that we continue to support efforts that may ultimately lead to a cure.”  

As co-chairs of the Senate Diabetes Caucus, Shaheen and Collins have worked together to increase awareness of the threats posed by diabetes, invest in research, and improve access to treatment options. Earlier this year, they re-introduced the National Diabetes Clinical Care Commission Care Act to establish a national commission of health care experts to advance diabetes care. Nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes and an estimated 86 million people over the age of 20 have prediabetes.