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Shaheen Condemns President Trump’s Decision to Call Off COVID-19 Relief Negotiations: "Mr. President, do your job…NH needs a bipartisan deal now"

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after President Trump announced on Twitter that he was no longer negotiating a COVID-19 relief bill and postponed any further discussions until after the election:

“Mr. President, do your job,” said Shaheen. “This is just more reckless foot-dragging when Granite Staters need help now. As we speak, New Hampshire towns and cities are considering layoffs of police, firefighters, teachers and other essential services because of budget shortfalls. Because of a crisis in schooling and childcare, parents are being pushed to the breaking point and women are dropping out of the workforce at four times the rate of men. Small businesses are closing, families are being evicted and hospitals have laid off staff during a pandemic. New Hampshire needs a bipartisan deal now. The President’s lack of leadership further underscores why Majority Leader McConnell must finally allow bipartisan negotiations to begin in the Senate so we can hammer out an agreement just as we did with the CARES Act.”

Senator Shaheen has shared a series of letters she’s received from local New Hampshire officials and nonprofits that underscore the urgent need for Congress to pass a bipartisan COVID-19 relief bill that addresses the crises they’re seeing in their communities.

In total, the state of New Hampshire is facing a budget shortfall of more than $500 million – a 20% drop in state revenue. Senator Shaheen is fighting to secure financial relief for struggling state and local governments. During negotiations of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Shaheen helped deliver $1.25 billion to New Hampshire to assist the State during COVID-19.  Shaheen addressed the urgent need to prioritize COVID-19 response legislation over partisan efforts to rush through a Supreme Court nomination on the Senate floor last week, and called on Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take-up House-passed COVID-19 relief legislation.