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(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress on jobs:

“We have before us a number of strong, bipartisan measures that can help grow jobs quickly. Tax cuts for the middle class, investments in infrastructure, and job training are all proposals that have historically seen support from both parties.

“I know disagreements remain, and that getting something done will be difficult. But I also know that we share a common goal – putting Americans back to work – and that we can put politics aside and get this done for the good of the country.

“I look forward to consideration of these proposals by Congress. And I will continue to push for adoption of my bipartisan energy efficiency bill, which businesses across the state have said will help them create jobs now while saving consumers billions of dollars and making our economy more competitive for the future.”