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End of regime marks success of US policy, but work remains

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees, released the following statement in response to reports of the death of former Libyan dictator Moammar Qaddhafi.

“The final end of the Qaddhafi regime marks a welcome turning point for the people of Libya and for the world. Qaddhafi was a threat to his own people and to the United States. He sponsored terrorist acts against Americans and Europeans, and threatened a massacre of his own people earlier this year. 

“The Obama administration deserves credit for working closely with our NATO allies to help bring about the end of the Qaddhafi regime without committing U.S. ground troops or putting U.S. forces at undue risk.

“But the story of Libya is far from over.  While the fate of Libya is now squarely in the hands of its people, we have seen throughout the region that the road to a stable and peaceful democracy can be long and difficult. We need to continue working with the transitional government in Libya to ensure that it protects the rights and security of all Libyan citizens. 

“Lastly, the end of Qaddhafi’s regime, while welcome, presents its own challenges. I remain deeply concerned about the large number of shoulder-fired missiles that remain at large in Libya, and I encourage the Administration to do its utmost to find them and secure them.”