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Amendments to Bring Jobs Home Act would also promote hiring of veterans, job creation and help working families afford childcare

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) today filed three amendments to the Bring Jobs Home Act, legislation currently under consideration in the Senate, that will boost job opportunities, particularly for veterans, and help New Hampshire families address the increasing costs of child care. Shaheen’s amendments are modeled after three separate bills she introduced earlier this year - the Veterans Hiring Act, the Small Business Access to Capital Act and the Helping Working Families Afford Child Care Act. Shaheen is also an original co-sponsor of the Bring Jobs Home Act which would end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and instead provide a tax credit to companies returning jobs back to the United States.  

“Strengthening New Hampshire’s economy, particularly with a focus on our veterans and our working families, must be our top priority,” said Shaheen. “The amendments I’ve filed today will not only boost job opportunities but also help families deal with the increasing cost of child care. They’re commonsense proposals and I hope we can advance them quickly.”

Shaheen’s three amendments include:

  • The Small Business Access to Capital Act, which will help small businesses better access capital for growth and expansion. The plan would leverage billions of dollars in private investments through the State Small Business Credit Initiative, a successful federal program that helps small businesses grow and create jobs.
  • The Veterans Hiring Act, a bill to cut payroll taxes for businesses that hire veterans creating immediate incentives for employers to provide jobs for veterans.
  • The Helping Working Families Afford Child Care Act, which would make child care more affordably by increasing the amount of eligible child care expenses used to calculate the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC). The bill would also expand the credit to a countless number of families.