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Shaheen, Hassan Say Trump Administration’s Budget Would Make Devastating Cuts to Critical Programs in New Hampshire

**At press conference in Concord, Senators outline how the Trump administration’s budget would hurt Granite Staters**

**SHAHEEN: “The Trump budget is an assault on New Hampshire – on our people, our economy, and our environment.”

**HASSAN: Trump’s budget "would directly undermine our economy and the ability of Granite State families to get ahead and stay ahead”**

(Concord, NH) – Today, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) held a press conference to speak out against the devastating impact that President Trump’s budget would have on critical programs in New Hampshire. The Senators were joined by Linda Paquette, Executive Director at New Futures, Jennifer Frizzell, Vice President of Public Policy for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, and Susan Farrelly, Director of Concord 21st Century Community Learning Programs. The speakers outlined how the Trump administration’s budget would cut or eliminate many vital programs in New Hampshire, including those important to the fight against the opioid epidemic, women’s health, and early childhood education. Below is a breakdown of the New Hampshire programs that are impacted by the President’s budget that was provided to reporters at the press conference.

“I have always considered a budget to be more than a statement about revenues and expenditures – it’s also a reflection of our values. Unfortunately, President Trump’s budget does not reflect New Hampshire’s values,” said Senator Shaheen. “This budget would impose draconian cuts to public services that millions of Americans rely on, including education, job training, and healthcare, even as it calls for trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the nation’s wealthiest individuals. As a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I will fight this misguided budget in public, in committee, on the floor of the Senate – whatever it takes.”

“President Trump’s dangerous budget proposal would directly undermine our economy and the ability of Granite State families to get ahead and stay ahead,” Senator Hassan said. “I am particularly disturbed to see cuts to critical programs that are integral to our efforts to combat the heroin, fentanyl, and opioid crisis that is devastating our communities and taking a toll on our economy. I will strongly fight this budget proposal and work across the aisle on a budget that strengthens our economy, invests in our businesses, and lifts all of our people.”


An Overview of President Trump’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2018

Provided by Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Maggie Hassan



Medicaid: Rescinding another promise made on the campaign trail, President Trump’s budget cuts as much as $1.4 trillion from Medicaid over the next ten years. Medicaid is a key program in our fight against the opioid epidemic and in making sure New Hampshire children and seniors have the care they need. Overall, 186,033 Granite Staters are covered through Medicaid.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Cut by $373 million: The President’s budget cuts from SAMHSA programs that aim to prevent substance misuse at the state and regional levels. This includes cuts to the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant program, mental illness treatment, drug-free workplace efforts, opioid overdose reversal drugs to first responders and assistance for those in need of transition from homelessness.

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (Byrne-JAG): Cut by $70.5 million or 17.5 percent. This program funds state and local law enforcement initiatives, including those associated with fighting the heroin and opioid crisis, such as the state’s drug task forces and approved treatment alternatives to incarceration.

COPS Anti-Heroin Task Forces: This program is completely eliminated in the President’s budget.

National Institute of Mental Health: Cut by $355 million, the National Institute of Mental Health supports research on mental disorders.

National Institute of Drug Abuse: Cut by $235 million, the National Institute on Drug Abuse supports research on substance misuse and scientifically-based prevention and treatment programs.



Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Cut by $190 million, or 25 percent. 111,000 Granite Staters receive nutrition assistance through SNAP.

Planned Parenthood: The President’s budget is the first ever to propose eliminating all sources of federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides healthcare to 12,000 women in New Hampshire.

Low Income Home Energy  Assistance Program (LIHEAP): The Trump budget eliminates the LIHEAP program, which last year provided heating assistance to 28,000 people in New Hampshire, many of them families, seniors, people with disabilities.

HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Completely eliminated in the President’s budget. HOME grants are used to help increase the availability of affordable housing options in New Hampshire and to provide critical assistance to both homeowners and renters.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Cut by $1.3 billion, or 17 percent. CDC programs include funds that help states and foreign governments combat infectious diseases, and to screen, treat, and manage HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Also cut, are CDC-funded prevention programs for chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

National Institutes of Health (NIH): Cut by $7 billion or 22 percent. The NIH is the largest biomedical research agency in the world and provides medical researchers across the country with grant funding to support the treatment, reduction, and eradication of illnesses. In New Hampshire, NIH funding supports more than 1,500 jobs and administered $98,857,889 in awards in 2016.



21st Century Community Learning Centers: Completely eliminated in the President’s budget. In 2016, this program provided $5.64 million to New Hampshire to fund 67 after-school programs in 24 communities, benefitting more than 10,000 students.

Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loans: Subsidized loans are completely eliminated in the President’s budget. This is a foundational student aid program that provides subsidized student loans for higher education. More than 52,000 New Hampshire students received subsidized student loans for the 2014-2015 school year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant: Completely eliminated in the President’s budget. This program provides grants of up to $4,000 per year for low-income undergraduate students.  New Hampshire received $4.7 million from this program in the 2015-2016 school year, which helped 10,577 students.

Federal Work Study Program: Funding is halved in the President’s budget. This program allows low-income undergraduate and graduate students to work part-time jobs to help pay for their education. In the 2015-2016 school year, NH colleges and universities received $6.1 million in funds that helped 6,221 New Hampshire college students pay for school.

Adult Education: This funding is reduced by 16 percent in the President’s budget. This cut would mean more than 250 adult students in New Hampshire would not be able to continue their education. 



Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): The President’s budget requests that Congress move forward with a new BRAC process in 2021. This could threaten jobs at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Both Senator Shaheen, who serves on Senate Armed Services Committee, and Senator Hassan have consistently opposed a new BRAC process.


Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grants: This program is eliminated in the President’s budget. TIGER grants have provided funding for critical transportation infrastructure projects in the Granite State, including the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge and Memorial Bridge, both in Portsmouth.

Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC): Is eliminated in the President’s budget. The NBRC has invested millions in economic development projects in Coos, Grafton, Carroll and Sullivan counties.

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): This program is eliminated in the President’s budget. This program funds a wide range of projects in New Hampshire, including homeownership assistance, the development of more affordable housing, public facility improvements, and economic development projects. 

Rural Water and Waste Disposal: The President’s budget completely eliminates both the Rural Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program, and the Grassroots Source Water Protection Program. In 2016, New Hampshire used $3,523,000 in funds through the USDA water and wastewater infrastructure programs. Many rural communities in New Hampshire rely on these programs to maintain and improve their local water systems.

Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI): The President’s budget completely eliminates the CDFI Fund , which provides resources to local community financial institutions in order to help them increase their lending capacity and better address the economic challenges facing New Hampshire.  In 2016, four Community Development Financial Institutions in New Hampshire originated $28.8 million in loans and investments for 26 businesses.

Economic Development Administration (EDA): President’s budget eliminates the EDA, which helps to fund economic development projects throughout New Hampshire. In 2016, the EDA awarded the town of Littleton a $1 million grant to help reconstruct the storm water and sewer system, and roads and sidewalks.



State and Local Emergency Management: Cut by $810 million or 29 percent. New Hampshire and its local communities use these funds to help address public safety concerns, improve the effectiveness of emergency response efforts and reduce the risk of losses from natural disasters.


Job Corps: Cut by $256 million or 15 percent. Job Corps is an on-campus and academic and career technical training program that prepares at-risk youth for gainful employment. This program funds the New Hampshire Jobs Corps Center in Manchester, which opened in 2015. There are currently over 200 students enrolled in the program.    

Employment and Training Administration: President Trump’s budget cuts $1.3 billion from the agency, a -38 percent cut.  This program provides critical funding that states use for workforce training programs, to administer unemployment insurance benefits, and it directly supports 2,071 active apprentices in New Hampshire.



Environmental Protection Agency: Cuts the agency’s budget by $2.6 billion, or 31 percent. Reduces funding to the Superfund program by 30 percent and eliminates several clean air and clean water grant programs used by New Hampshire, including the nonpoint source and beach protection grant programs.

Climate Change: Discontinues funding for the Clean Power Plan, international climate change programs, climate change research and partnership programs.

National Science Foundation (NSF): Cut by $819 million, or 11 percent. NSF is a critical funding source for university research and STEM education in New Hampshire.   

NASA Education: NASA Education is eliminated in the President’s budget.  In FY15, New Hampshire institutions were awarded $1.8 million in NASA Education grants to support faculty, teachers and students in research and STEM education.

Department of Energy State Assistance Programs: Eliminates the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), which helps low-income families, seniors and individuals with disabilities make lasting energy efficiency improvements to their homes. In 2016, NH received $1,438,061 in WAP funds, allowing for full weatherization of 215 homes. The State Energy Program is also eliminated.

Department of Energy Research:  Eliminates the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program, which has supported important projects to expand our growing clean energy industry in New Hampshire and help reduce CO2 emissions. One New Hampshire business that has utilized this program is Brayton Energy in Hampton, which received $2,399,992 to help develop new residential combined heat and power systems. The budget also underfunds several important DOE energy efficiency programs utilized by New Hampshire businesses.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research: Cut by $162 million or -32 percent. NOAA is a significant source of funding for university research in New Hampshire.   

Sea Grant Program, administered by NOAA: This program is eliminated in the President’s Budget. From 2011 to 2015, it’s estimated that the Sea Grant program brought more than $20 million in economic benefit to the region, helped create/retain 140 local businesses, and reached 36,571 pre-K-12 students.



Small Business Development Centers: Cut by $15 million or -12 percent. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program provides a wide range of counseling and training services to help aspiring entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. New Hampshire received $694,444 in SBDC funding in FY17, supporting 3,000 small businesses in approximately 200 New Hampshire communities. A 12 percent cut to SBDC core funding, coupled with the proposed eliminations of Community Development Block Grants and the USDA Rural Business Development Grant Program, could mean $265,833 less for New Hampshire SBDCs in 2018.  

Growth Accelerators program: The President’s budget completely eliminates this program, which spurs economic development by supporting local entrepreneurs. This program funded the Hannah Grimes Center in Keene and the New England Pediatric Consortium in Lebanon.



Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CBP): The budget proposes phasing out funding for public broadcasting, compromising the future of localized public radio and television programming in New Hampshire.