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Shaheen Highlights Boost in Funding for NH Vaccination Efforts Secured in COVID-19 Relief Package during Visit to Exeter Vaccine Administration Site


3.12.21 Exeter 1

3.12.21 Exeter 2

 Shaheen hears more from state officials and the National Guard on ongoing vaccination efforts in New Hampshire

 Later at The Music Hall in Portsmouth: Shaheen Discusses New COVID Relief for NH Entertainment Venues Included in American Rescue Plan


3.12.21 The Music Hall

Shaheen hears more from representatives of independent entertainment venues from throughout New Hampshire via a video feed during her visit to The Music Hall in Portsmouth

 Earlier: Shaheen Visits Red’s Good Vibes Food Truck in Dover & Highlights Additional Aid for Nonprofits on Frontlines of COVID-19 & Nutrition Assistance in American Rescue Plan


3.12.21 Dover 1

Shaheen speaks to staff of Red’s Good Vibes during her tour of the organization’s food truck

(Exeter, NH) – This morning, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) visited a fixed, drive-through vaccine administration site set up at Exeter High School with state and National Guard leaders and highlighted new robust federal funding for vaccination efforts New Hampshire is expected to receive in the American Rescue Plan that was signed into law by President Biden yesterday. The new legislation contains a boost in resources for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help distribute and administer vaccines in the arms of Americans across the country. In addition, after a flawed formula led New Hampshire to receive less federal funding than had been originally estimated in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act that became law in December, Shaheen secured a fix to the formula in the American Rescue Plan, which will roughly double the grant funding the state will receive for vaccine administration.

During the event, Shaheen heard more from state officials and the National Guard on how the distribution and administration of the vaccines is going, underscored the resources the American Rescue Plan will bring to New Hampshire that will help bolster the vaccine rollout and thanked the members of the New Hampshire National Guard and volunteers working at the site for their critical work during the pandemic.

“I want to thank the New Hampshire National Guard and volunteers for their hard work on the frontlines of this crisis, and particularly here in Exeter and throughout our state to ensure Granite Staters are able to get vaccinated,” said Shaheen. “For New Hampshire to beat this virus, reopen our schools and economy and return to pre-pandemic life we need funding to quickly administer vaccines to Granite Staters. The American Rescue Plan is an enormous, consequential step towards achieving this goal and I’ll keep fighting for the resources New Hampshire needs to care for our communities and get to the other side of this crisis.”

Later in Portsmouth, Shaheen visited The Music Hall, where she hosted a roundtable discussion on the new COVID relief for Granite State independent entertainment venues that is included in the American Rescue Plan. During the event, Shaheen heard more about the challenges venues have faced during the pandemic and underscored her efforts to provide relief to this important sector of the state’s economy. Independent entertainment venues across New Hampshire have been among the most severely impacted businesses, suffering devastating financial losses. The American Rescue Plan includes $1.25 billion in extra funding for the Shuttered Venue Operator Grant (SVOG) program and includes a provision that allows venues to apply for both the Paycheck Protection Program and SVOG. Together, these provisions will help provide significant relief to Granite State entertainment venues.

“New Hampshire’s independent entertainment venues are an essential part of the social and cultural fabric of our state that drive economic growth and create jobs in our communities. However, as some of the worst-hit businesses during this pandemic, they have faced devastating financial losses, with many venues now at risk of permanently closing their doors,” said Shaheen. “I was glad to meet with representatives of some of our state’s most beloved venues this afternoon and share the good news: help is on the way. The American Rescue Plan contains important provisions that will provide the resources and support our entertainment venues need to weather and recover from this crisis.”

Earlier in the day, Shaheen visited Red’s Good Vibes Food Truck in Dover. Red’s Good Vibes is a family-operated charity that provides meals and groceries to vulnerable families living in the greater Seacoast area. Demand for the services of charities and nonprofits like Red’s Good Vibes has drastically risen over the past year, but these organizations have faced financial challenges imposed by the pandemic. During her visit, Shaheen highlighted the new funding and nutritional assistance in the American Rescue Plan to help nonprofits like Red’s Good Vibes on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic put food on the table for Granite State families.

“The difference charities and nonprofits like Red’s Good Vibes have made during COVID-19 – helping to feed, house, clothe and provide medical care to our most vulnerable Granite Staters – cannot be overstated. Despite the crucial role they have played on the frontlines of the pandemic and amid the surge in demand for their services, many charities and nonprofits are at risk of shutting down,” said Shaheen. “I was glad to meet with Caitlin, Meghan and Mike this morning to hear more about their important work helping to feed Seacoast families during the pandemic, and I’ll make sure the robust assistance and resources the American Rescue Plan contains reaches nonprofits like Red’s who are lifelines in our communities.”