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Shaheen Hosts Conference Call with NH Camp Leaders Amid COVID-19 Crisis


camp call graphic

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(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) hosted a conference call with New Hampshire camp leaders from throughout the state to discuss needs and areas of concern amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. As a part of the tourism and hospitality industries, which play key roles in the New Hampshire economy, camps throughout the state have been particularly hard-hit by the economic and public health fallout from COVID-19. During the call, Shaheen heard more about their experiences and challenges they have faced operating in the present environment, and shared an update from the Senate to help provide relief to camps.

“New Hampshire camps provide Granite Staters with the opportunity to connect with nature, make lifelong memories and create new friendships. They are an essential part of the New Hampshire experience and economy but unfortunately have been particularly hard hit by this crisis. During today’s conversation, they made it clear that they urgently need assistance to continue operating under these extremely difficult circumstances,” said Shaheen. “The challenges faced by both public and private camps are why I’ve worked across the aisle to secure financial relief and continue to advocate on their behalf as Congress considers further legislation. I will be sharing the feedback I heard today with my colleagues in the Senate and the Trump administration as I press for more relief to help our camps survive.”

The conference call continued Shaheen’s outreach to leaders all across the State who are responding to this public health emergency, such as school administrators, local officialssmall business owners, including those from the tourism and hospitality industrieshealth care providers and non-profit service organizations and charities.