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Shaheen Hosts Virtual Discussion with Key Granite State Health Care Leaders on Frontlines of COVID-19


 2.26.21 health care call

Shaheen hears more from health care leaders on the challenges their sector has faced amid the pandemic during today’s virtual meeting


**Later in the day: Shaheen Delivers Remarks during Webinar to Help Child Care Providers in NH Seeking Pandemic Relief**


(Manchester, NH) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) hosted a virtual discussion with representatives from the Core Health Care Group to discuss the challenges New Hampshire’s health care sector continues to face during the COVID-19 crisis. Formed at the beginning of the pandemic to coordinate communication between Granite State health care leaders, the Core Health Care Group is made up of 23 New Hampshire organizations that have facilitated the state’s response to COVID-19, helping to treat, care for and provide crucial resources and support to Granite State communities. During the virtual meeting, Shaheen listened to participants on what they are seeing on the ground and highlighted her work in the Senate to secure additional federal resources for New Hampshire’s health care sector.


The event can be viewed here.


“I appreciate the opportunity I had this morning to speak to members of the Core Health Care Group on the challenges our health care sector is facing amid the pandemic. From medical treatment providers to long-term care facilities and patient advocates, New Hampshire’s health care sector has been the backbone of our state’s response to COVID-19,” said Shaheen. “It is essential that the COVID-19 relief package pending in Congress provide the resources these organizations need to continue their essential work on the frontlines of this pandemic, and I’ll prioritize this relief in upcoming negotiations.”


2.26.21 SBA webinar

Shaheen participates in today’s SBA and NHDHHS webinar on available resources for New Hampshire child care providers during the pandemic 

Later in the day, Shaheen delivered remarks during a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) webinar on relief resources available to Granite State child care providers. The webinar featured advice from SBA and DHHS representatives on what federal and state programs are available to providers in need of relief during the pandemic. Child care providers have been severely impacted by the fallout of the public health and economic crisis and many are at risk of permanent closure, threatening the state’s economic recovery and the ability of working families to fully return to work. During her remarks, Shaheen highlighted her efforts to advocate for child care providers and secure relief for child care programs during the pandemic.

“Without access to affordable child care, many working families will be unable to return to work -- hurting our economy and our ability to get to the other side of this pandemic. That’s why our child care providers must have every possible resource to stay afloat during this crisis,” said Shaheen. “I was glad to join this informational webinar with the Small Business Administration and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services to help child care providers access urgently needed relief. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure our families have access to affordable child care, and fighting for child care funding will continue to be a top priority for me in upcoming COVID relief negotiations.”

In the emergency COVID-19 relief legislation that passed Congress and was signed into law in December, Shaheen successfully included language that provided billions of dollars in urgently needed relief for child care providers and resulted in New Hampshire receiving nearly $20 million to support child care programs during the pandemic.