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Funding Included in the Defense and Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bills

(Washington, DC) – The Senate Appropriations Committee approved through subcommittee the annual Department of Defense, and Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bills for FY2016.  These bills include key priorities for New Hampshire put forward by U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).

The Department of Defense funding bill includes support for New Hampshire National Guard’s Deployment Cycle Support Care Coordination Program (DCSCCP) and the procurement of KC-46A tankers and Virginia-class submarines. The Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill includes funds for a grant program initiated by Senator Shaheen last year to address the heroin epidemic and continued funding for a prescription drug monitoring program. The bill also funds problem-solving courts that provide judges the option of diverting non-violent drug offenders and veterans into treatment programs and other rehabilitation services as an alternative to incarceration.

“I’m pleased that New Hampshire priorities have been recognized in these funding bills,” said Shaheen. “The funding for the KC-46A tanker and the new Virginia-class submarines will help maintain New Hampshire’s important role in our national security. It’s also vitally important that we make the resources available to fight the heroin abuse epidemic that has been devastating to many New Hampshire communities. These bills also include support for New Hampshire’s returning soldiers to help them readjust to civilian life. As appropriations bills continue to progress through the Senate, I’ll continue to make New Hampshire’s voice heard throughout the federal budgeting process.”

Defense Appropriations

Following requests from Senator Shaheen, the committee’s Department of Defense Appropriations bill includes funding for the procurement of twelve KC-46A tankers, in addition to ongoing research and development, to ensure that the program will be able to deliver aircraft to Pease on schedule in 2018, and provides funding for the continued procurement of two new Virginia-class submarines. Shaheen has been a strong advocate for continued investment in our Navy’s submarine fleet, which she was able to see firsthand during her embark earlier this year on the USS New Hampshire fast attack submarine.

Also at Senator Shaheen’s request, the appropriations bill includes $20 million to support the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program, which funds the New Hampshire National Guard’s Deployment Cycle Support Care Coordination Program. DCSCCP provides resources and support to deploying service members and their families throughout the full deployment cycle.

Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations

Following requests from Senator Shaheen, the committee’s Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill includes $7 million for Heroin Task Force grants for states with high incidences of heroin and prescription drug abuse.  Senator Shaheen worked to establish this new grant program last year and this year’s bill continues her efforts. Senator Shaheen was also able to secure $7 million in funds for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program which has provided grant support to New Hampshire to set up a state monitoring system.  

Also at Senator Shaheen’s request, the appropriations bill includes $5 million for Veterans Courts and $41 million for Drug Courts.  Both of these court programs prioritize treatment and services to help individuals who have committed minor offences put their lives back together.