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In Pelham and Nashua, Shaheen discusses New Hampshire’s infrastructure needs

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) met with state and local officials in Pelham and Nashua today to discuss the importance of infrastructure investments and the impact these investments will have on New Hampshire’s economy and public safety. In Pelham, Shaheen discussed her legislation, the Strengthen and Fortify Existing Bridges Act of 2014 (SAFE Bridges Act), which would provide $5.5 billion to repair and replace aging and deteriorating bridges, and in Nashua, Shaheen discussed the need to replenish the Highway Trust Fund - which the Senate is expected to consider this week - to avoid delays to important infrastructure projects across New Hampshire. Currently, one-third of New Hampshire’s bridges are classified as either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, and more than 2 million people travel across them on an average day. Pelham has two bridges currently on the state of New Hampshire’s Red List.

“Improving our state’s infrastructure is critical for job creation, economic growth and public safety,” Shaheen said. “We have to replenish the Highway Trust Fund before it’s too late. Failure to do so will delay projects and cost New Hampshire jobs and we cannot afford the economic consequences of inaction.”

Depletion of the Highway Trust Fund could result in the loss of $55 million in federal transportation funds and more than 700 jobs in New Hampshire alone. The Department of Transportation estimates the Highway Trust Fund will  become insolvent by the end of August.

“Infrastructure investments help create jobs and provide our businesses with critical support, and I’ll continue supporting these types of investments on behalf of New Hampshire’s economy,” added Shaheen.

Shaheen has consistently worked to improve New Hampshire’s transportation infrastructure for both public safety and economic competitiveness. She partnered with members New Hampshire’s and Maine’s congressional delegations to obtain funding for the replacement of the Memorial Bridge in Portsmouth. Earlier this month, she met with state officials at the I-93 expansion project to discuss efforts to replenish the Highway Trust Fund and has also fought cuts to the Transportation Investments Generating Economic Return (TIGER) program that encourages economic activity and jobs in New Hampshire through important infrastructure investments.