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Shaheen Invites Planned Parenthood of Northern NE’s Jennifer Frizzell to President Trump’s Joint Session of Congress

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) has invited Jennifer Frizzell of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England to attend President Donald Trump’s joint session of Congress as her special guest tomorrow, February 28th in Washington D.C. As Shaheen’s honored guest, Frizzell will watch President Trump’s address from the House Chamber. In his address, President Trump is expected to outline his policy priorities, which include repealing the Affordable Care Act and defunding Planned Parenthood.

“Thousands of Granite State women and families depend on Planned Parenthood for vital healthcare services and, through her work with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Jennifer Frizzell knows exactly what is at stake for women in in New Hampshire if President Trump and Republican leadership in Congress get their way,” said Senator Shaheen. “Defunding Planned Parenthood would leave thousands of women and families in New Hampshire without access to vital preventative care services that they need in order to live healthy lives, care for their families, and lead in the workforce. I am honored to have Jennifer Frizzell as my distinguished guest at tomorrow’s address to represent the thousands of Granite State women and families served by Planned Parenthood. I will continue to fight the dangerous, politically-motivated attacks in Congress that would strip women of their access to health care.”

Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire serves nearly 13,000 patients. Ninety-four percent of services provided at NH Planned Parenthood health centers are prevention-related, including breast exams, cancer screenings, birth control services, and vaccines.

Senator Shaheen has been a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood throughout her career in the Senate, as New Hampshire’s Governor and as a state senator.