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Shaheen Issues Statement on Support for Peaceful Protestors, Continues to Call For Justice for George Floyd

SHAHEEN: “The President’s actions go against the values of our country and further enflame an already volatile situation”

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement:

“I stand with all those who are peacefully demanding accountability and change, and justice for George Floyd’s senseless murder,” said Shaheen. “We need voices and a President who will help heal and unite our country.  We need de-escalation and a safe environment for peaceful protests. Those who would try to exploit the rightful outrage over George Floyd’s murder with looting and violence should be dealt with under the law. That is no excuse for excessive use of force on protestors and ordering the violent breakup of a peaceful protest for a photo op is shameful.  The President’s actions go against the values of our country and are further enflaming an already volatile situation. This nation needs understanding, empathy and deep structural change that delivers justice and equality for all. All levels of government must listen to the voices of the millions of peaceful protesters across the country and work to make this change a reality.”