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Site offers current information on health care reform legislation, features constituent questions and answers

(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today launched a new section of her website dedicated to providing New Hampshire residents with latest information on health care reform legislation, including questions from constituents and summaries of the bills being debated by Congress. 

"There's a lot of confusing, and frankly, some false information going around about what's included in health care reform legislation," said Shaheen. "As we work to make our health care system better for our families, workers, business owners, and our nation's economy, we must have an open dialogue so that the legislation that passes will improve the quality of care available to people and control health care costs at the same time."

Summaries of the Senate and House legislation, constituent questions and answers, and links to other information can be found at

Since taking office, Shaheen has received over 14,000 letters or phone calls from people in New Hampshire on the topic of health care reform.  In August, she held a health care telephone town hall where over 15,000 callers joined the health care discussion, and visited the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover, Elliot Senior Health Center in Manchester, Lamprey Health Care in Newmarket, and Indian Stream Health Center in Colebrook where she discussed how to lower costs and provide better health care with patients, doctors, nurses, and health care administrators.