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Joined by Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred P. Hochberg for talks with small business owners at Trade Wings & Segway

(Bedford, N.H) - As part of her efforts to focus on economic policies that boost exports from New Hampshire and the nation, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) today led roundtable discussions with small business owners and trade associations on the federal resources available to small businesses who want to sell their goods overseas.  She was joined by Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred P. Hochberg for a pair of roundtable discussions with small business owners and trade associations.

"I've long believed that exporting is the key for states like New Hampshire to compete in a global economy. That's why I was the first New Hampshire Governor to lead a trade mission overseas and why I invited Chairman Hochberg to join me today," said Shaheen, a member of the Senate Committee on Small Business. "We need to do a better job of selling to the global marketplace. Right now, 95 percent of the world's consumers live outside the U.S., yet only one percent of small businesses export. I intend to do everything I can to help our businesses gain access to new markets. "

Shaheen and Hochberg toured Trade Wings in Portsmouth & Segway, Inc. in Bedford. The pair-joined by small business owners, lenders, and export leaders from across the state-focused on the importance of increasing exports and the existing and new federal resources available to New Hampshire small businesses seeking to export. 

"We cannot grow our economy without growing our export sales. And we cannot grow export sales without small businesses," stated Ex-Im Bank Chairman and President Fred P. Hochberg. "The demand exists for their products and services, but many companies are wary of international sales. Global Access provides financing tools to minimize the risk of exporting so more American small businesses can grow their companies and create new jobs."

Chairman Hochberg discussed the Export-Import Bank's new Global Access for Small Businesses initiative, an innovative new public-private partnership designed to ensure that more U.S. small businesses have access to capital and are protected from risk.

Today's events are part of Shaheen's ongoing efforts to connect New Hampshire state business with federal resources.   Shaheen has co-sponsored provisions in the Small Business Jobs Act to boost programs that help small businesses sell their products and services overseas. She also held two New Hampshire events about the issue of exporting:  one last March that brought businesses together with state and federal trade officials and one in November that focused on export control policy.

Trade Wings helps telecommunication carriers and equipment manufacturers extend the lifecycle and revenue potential of excess and decommissioned network assets through the rapid creation of strategic reuse and exit markets.  Trade Wings employs 26 people in their New Hampshire facility

Segway develops unique transportation solutions that address urban congestion and pollution. Segway's Bedford location currently employs 105 people.  Since 2001, almost 100,000 Segway Personal Transporters (PTs) have been built and shipped, 65% of which are to international markets.