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Shaheen, women’s health care advocates also repeat calls for swift House passage of VAWA

(Washington, DC) ­–U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) convened with national women’s health care advocates today at a Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee meeting to promote efforts to protect and enhance women’s access to health services, including preventative and reproductive care. At the meeting, Shaheen also renewed her call for the House to pass the Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act, a bill that cleared the Senate with strong bipartisan support earlier this month.  In total, Shaheen met with over 15 national women’s health care leaders including Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Ilyse Hogue, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

“This morning’s meeting with national leaders in women’s health care underscored the need for Congress to take action and protect women’s access to reproductive health services,” Shaheen said.

Shaheen — the first and only woman in American history to be elected governor and U.S. Senator —has been a staunch proponent of women’s health care programs and access throughout her career.

Last year, Shaheen’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act won bipartisan support and ended a three decade-long discriminatory policy by allowing women in the military to access abortion coverage in cases of rape or incest.   The legislation was signed into law by President Obama in January. She has repeatedly advocated for swift Congressional passage of Violence Against Women Act reauthorization, a call that she renewed at this morning’s meeting. 

“Much work remains to be done this year in order to protect the priorities of women and families across the country, from preventing dangerous cuts to women’s health care services to sending the President a reauthorized Violence Against Women Act, which already cleared the Senate with strong bipartisan support, so that victims of domestic violence can access services they need,” Shaheen added. “It was an honor to meet with so many national leaders who share a similar passion and commitment to these critical issues.”