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Shaheen: No GOP Candidate Should Have Difficulty Identifying an American Woman Who Has Contributed To Our Nation's History

Author of Currency Bills Responds to Candidate Answers in CNN Debate

(Washington, DC) – During last night’s CNN debate, the candidates for the Republican nomination for President were asked who they would like to see on the $10 bill. Suggestions from some candidates included a candidate’s wife, mother, two historic women who were not Americans, and a dismissal of the question by Carly Fiorina who called it a “meaningless gesture.” Today, Senator Shaheen responded to how this question was addressed in last night’s debate:

“Our paper currency is an important part of our everyday lives and reflects our values, traditions and history as Americans,” said Shaheen. “No serious candidate for President should have difficulty identifying an American woman who has made tremendous contributions to our nation. This was an opportunity for these candidates to recognize how women have profoundly shaped our history and, for many, that opportunity was wasted.”

In April, Senator Shaheen introduced the “Women on the Twenty Act” that would direct the Secretary of the Treasury to convene a panel of citizens to recommend a woman whose likeness would be featured on a new twenty dollar bill, to complement a grassroots campaign (Women on 20s) that had gathered hundreds of thousands of online votes in support of the change. Following the introduction of her bill, Shaheen led a letter to the President asking his administration to convene the panel called for in the bill on its own. Within two weeks, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced that the Department of Treasury would begin the process for putting a woman on the ten dollar bill. Following the announcement, Shaheen introduced a bill to designate Harriet Tubman, who won an online poll in which over 600,000 votes were cast, as the new face of the ten dollar bill.