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Shaheen On House Republican Leadership’s Repeal Bill: A Disaster for Healthcare Coverage in New Hampshire and a Devastating Blow to our Efforts to Combat the Opioid Epidemic

**Legislation released yesterday evening eliminates the subsidies that make coverage affordable, slashes and caps the Medicaid program, defunds Planned Parenthood and gives handouts to insurance company CEOs**

(Washington, DC) — U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) delivered the following statement after reviewing the provisions of the House Republican leadership’s bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare:

“This repeal bill would be nothing short of a disaster for healthcare coverage in New Hampshire and a devastating blow to our efforts to combat the opioid epidemic,” said Shaheen. “This is clearly a broken promise by President Trump and Republican leadership who assured the American public that nobody would be kicked off of their healthcare coverage. It’s unconscionable that this bill would decimate the Medicaid program and eliminate healthcare subsidies for the middle class while the wealthy get another tax break and insurance company CEOs get a pay bump. The bill also defunds Planned Parenthood, jeopardizing vital preventative and reproductive care for thousands of women in New Hampshire. It took Republican leadership seven years to come up with this repeal bill.  This proposal clearly demonstrates why Republican leadership should keep the Affordable Care Act and finally commit to working across the aisle to improve it.”