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Shaheen on Senate Floor: Trump Administration Is Undermining the Affordable Care Act, Jeopardizing Healthcare Coverage for Granite Staters

**SHAHEEN: “Regrettably, the administration continues to undermine the Affordable Care Act... doing its best to make President Trump’s claim that Obamacare is ‘exploding’ a self-fulfilling prophesy” ** 

**Shaheen highlights a letter-to-the-editor from a Granite Stater whose life was saved by Obamacare**

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(Washington, DC) — U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) spoke on the Senate floor today to raise concerns about reports that the Trump administration is deliberately undermining the Affordable Care Act, causing insurance companies to sharply raise premiums and/or exit the marketplace. As a result, Americans and Granite Staters are faced with the prospect of being priced out of their healthcare coverage. “Perhaps the greatest damage has been done by the administration’s refusal to commit to funding cost-sharing subsidies – the federal subsidies that help millions of people to pay for Obamacare coverage,” said Shaheen. “To protect themselves, many insurance companies are preparing two sets of premiums for next year: one premium level if the administration agrees to fund the cost-sharing subsidies, and a second, dramatically higher premium level if the administration says no to cost-sharing subsidies.”

Shaheen pointed out the recklessness of the Trump administration’s efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act, as well as its threat to not fund the cost-sharing subsidies if insurance companies don’t support repeal of Obamacare. “It isn’t about numbers; it’s about people and families,” said Shaheen. “It’s about whether everyday Americans will have access to affordable health coverage despite preexisting conditions, or whether they will be able to get treatment for cancer without going into bankruptcy. Regrettably, the administration continues to undermine the Affordable Care Act. The administration is doing its best to make President Trump’s claim that Obamacare is ‘exploding’ a self-fulfilling prophesy.” 

Shaheen also read a letter-to-the-editor from Carol Gulla of Newmarket, New Hampshire. Ms. Gulla wrote: “Because of the Affordable Care Act, last June I went for a routine physical. During the exam, a lump was discovered in my breast. Ten days later, breast cancer was diagnosed… Fast for forward to today. I’ve just completed my final chemotherapy treatment and my prognosis is very positive. That physical saved my life… That crucial physical in June would not have happened had it not been an essential preventive service included in all health plans under the ACA. While not perfect, my insurance through the ACA is far better than anything available to me as an individual in the past.”

Shaheen urged her Senate colleagues “to listen to the American people. The Affordable Care Act has had profoundly positive impacts all across America, but it needs common-sense repairs and strengthening… This should be our bipartisan focus here in the Senate. I intend to do everything I can to encourage such a bipartisan effort, and I know that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle are eager to do this important work.”