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(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today visited the Mountain View Grand Resort in Whitefield where she discussed job creation and clean energy.  Mountain View Grand Resort uses clean energy to meet all of it energy needs and has been certified a "100% Green Power Purchaser" by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  

"Mountain View Grand Resort is a powerful symbol of the potential for America's clean energy economy," said Shaheen.  "Energy efficiency saves money, allowing businesses to spend those savings to grow their business and hire more workers, thus boosting the local economy.  It is also good for our environment and critical to our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil."

"We are honored to have hosted Senator Shaheen at the hotel today and appreciate her legislative efforts to enhance our region's economy through increased tourism.  Our wind turbine and green power initiative are just two of many steps we have taken to tangibly lower our carbon footprint at Mountain View Grand," said Christopher Diego, managing director of the resort. "We're committed to being environmentally responsible as we offer a luxury guest experience that encourages an active appreciation for our natural environment." 

In January, Mountain View Grand Resort became one of only seven EPA "Green Power Purchaser" companies in New Hampshire.  This past fall the resort installed a 121-foot wind turbine which offsets a substantial portion of its current electricity consumption.