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European sanctions critical to halting regime’s nuclear program

(Washington, D.C.)-U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs, today issued the below statement following the European Union's approval of a new set of sanctions against Iran.  These measures, which are in addition to the UN Security Council sanctions passed last week, help to raise pressure on the Iranian government to abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions: 

"Our European partners have today signaled that Iran's refusal to bring its nuclear program into compliance with its international obligations is unacceptable. The new measures put in place by the E.U. will further strengthen the sanctions already approved by the international community and add additional pressure on the regime in Iran to suspend its enrichment activities. I welcome this strong and credible contribution of our partners in Europe to ensuring that Iran's nuclear program does not present a threat to the United States, Europe, or the greater Middle East."

"I believe it is critical that the U.S. Senate move forward quickly on passing new U.S. sanctions against the Iranian regime and on ratifying the New START Treaty, which will demonstrate America's strong commitment to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and help build leverage to compel all NPT members to uphold their own nonproliferation commitments."