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Shaheen Reflects on D-Day Ahead of 75th Anniversary of Historic Invasion

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), the highest ranking woman on the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement ahead of the 75th anniversary of D-Day on June 6, 2019:

“As we approach the seventy-five year anniversary of D-Day, we reflect on the lives of Allied forces who stood shoulder-to-shoulder on the beaches of Normandy in one of the most pivotal battles in history, which led to the defeat of the despotic Nazi regime. Thousands of young Americans flooded the French shores to end Hitler’s reign of terror, many of them fearing that this battle would be their last. Their valor, sacrifice and commitment is why we remember these American heroes as ‘the greatest generation,” said Senator Shaheen. “As more years pass and we lose the heroes among us who fought on that day, we can never forget that it was their service and sacrifice that preserved the freedom that we enjoy throughout the transatlantic community. On this anniversary, my heart is with the brave souls lost on the beaches in battle, their loved ones who raised families in their absence, and the veterans still with us today.”