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(Concord, N.H.)  - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) met with New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence leaders and allies and toured the New Beginnings shelter this afternoon to discuss the critical services offered by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the need for swift reauthorization of the legislation. At both stops, Shaheen, a long-time and vocal supporter of VAWA, specifically renewed her call for the House of Representatives to reauthorize VAWA and send to the President for his signature.  The legislation cleared the Senate earlier this week with strong bipartisan support.

“Domestic violence plagues far too many women and children. We have an opportunity and obligation to help millions of domestic violence victims and we must take action now,” Shaheen said. “The advocates for victims of domestic violence I met with today are helping women and children rebuild shattered lives. They deliver critical needs like counseling and a safe place to sleep and I am committed to doing all I can to continue supporting their work.”

Shaheen, who was inducted into the Coalition's Hall of Fame, was joined in Concord by Coalition staff, Police Chief John Duval, Mayor Bouley and other domestic violence advocates to discuss the importance of VAWA reauthorization. She also met with staff, board members, and other invited guests today at the New Beginnings shelter in Laconia, which provides services for people whose lives have been affected by domestic and sexual violence. Laconia Police Chief Chris Adams also attended the event in Laconia.

“VAWA is a proven tool in supporting victims, social service providers and law enforcement officials. This afternoon’s meetings underscore the need for the House to pass this critical, bipartisan legislation as quickly as possible to send to the President for his signature,” Shaheen added.