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Shaheen joins new and expectant mothers, women senators to protect healthcare access

(Washington, DC)- U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) joined new and expectant mothers on Capitol Hill this morning to highlight the dangers of partisan efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), particularly because of the consequences such a move would have on women and families.  In a press conference with other women senators, Shaheen noted that the healthcare law specifically provides millions of women with access to preventative screenings like mammograms, prenatal care, maternity care and other services.   

“Partisan efforts to defund or repeal healthcare reform would set women back to the days when pregnancy was considered a pre-existing condition and when women could be charged more for just being a woman,” Shaheen said. “A law that is helping millions of American women access and pay for healthcare should not be used as a partisan bargaining chip. I hope we can find a sensible way forward to protect women and families.”

The Affordable Care Act contains numerous provisions supporting women and families, and more than 250,000 New Hampshire women now have guaranteed access to free preventive healthcare services including mammograms because of the law.  Last week, the Republican controlled House of Representatives voted for the 41st time to repeal the ACA and have threatened to shut down the government if healthcare reform is not defunded.  Earlier this week, Shaheen participated at a New Hampshire Women’s Health Network forum to discuss how healthcare reform is already benefiting thousands of women across New Hampshire.