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Shaheen Responds to Long-term Postponement of Tubman on $20 Bill Effort

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Senate author of the Harriet Tubman Tribute Act of 2019, issued the following statement in response to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s announcement that the $20 bill redesign featuring Harriet Tubman will not meet the 2020 deadline, and will instead be delayed until 2028.

“There is no excuse for the administration’s failure to make this redesign a priority,” said Shaheen. “Sadly, this delay sends an unmistakable message to women and girls, and communities of color, who were promised they’d see Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill,” said Shaheen. “The needless foot-dragging on this important effort is unacceptable. Our currency tells our country’s story and it is past time to honor the contributions of Harriet Tubman.” 

Senator Shaheen recently re-introduced the Harriet Tubman Tribute Act in the Senate as part of her longstanding leadership in Congress to honor women on our nation’s currency. In 2015, she called on the Obama administration to feature a woman on our currency through executive action.  Last year, Shaheen sent a letter to Mnuchin requesting a detailed timeline from the Treasury Department on the redesign to meet the 2020 deadline in conjunction with the 100 year anniversary of women’s suffrage. Secretary Mnuchin failed to provide such information.