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(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement following the President’s announcement about Iraq:

“I applaud the President’s announcement that after nearly nine years of war our combat troops will finally be coming home from Iraq.

“This war has been costly. We have spent more than $800 billion on the conflict in Iraq, and 4,479 men and women in uniform have given the ultimate sacrifice, including 23 service members from New Hampshire who lost their lives in this war. Another 32,200 Americans have been wounded in Iraq, including 180 from New Hampshire.

“Our relationship with Iraq is not over. We still have vital national interests there and throughout the region, and I am confident that the President and his diplomatic and national defense teams will remain engaged with Iraqi leadership and responsive to ongoing developments.

“Our troops in Iraq have done everything we have asked of them and have performed brilliantly under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. They have paid a heavy price, but they return home successful in their mission, and Americans everywhere are proud of all they have accomplished.

“For those troops returning soon, we look forward to welcoming you home. For those diplomats and security experts remaining, we pledge our ongoing support for your continued service.”