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This morning, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) attended the ceremonial kick off marking the start of construction to replace the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge. Shaheen was joined by Governor Maggie Hassan and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), as well as local officials and representatives of the New Hampshire and Maine Departments of Transportation to kick off the replacement of the bridge, which serves as a critical link between New Hampshire and Maine.

“This investment in our state’s infrastructure will create good local jobs, help our whole economy, strengthen the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and improve public safety,” Shaheen said. “The Sarah Long Bridge is an essential artery between Maine and New Hampshire, and its replacement was long overdue. I was proud to join the bipartisan effort that secured the necessary resources to replace this important piece of infrastructure, and will continue to work in a bipartisan manner to see this project through to its completion.”

Shaheen has been a strong supporter of the effort to secure funding to replace the Sarah Long Bridge. She was a lead advocate for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation’s and Maine Department of Transportation’s joint application to replace the Sarah Long Bridge under the TIGER program. Late last year, Shaheen also met with New Hampshire state officials at the New Hampshire Port Authority to tour the Sarah Long Bridge replacement project site and receive an update on the project.