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Loser must buy every member of the Senate a craft beer from winner’s home state

Shaheen-Schumer beer bet

On Twitter…

@SenatorShaheen: Just made #SuperBowl bet w/ @ChuckSchumer. Loser buys every Senator a beer. Go @Patriots cc: @smuttynosebeer (1/31/11, 10:15 am)

@ChuckSchumer: #SuperBowl bet: when @Giants beat @Patriots, @SenatorShaheen will buy every Senator a NY craft brew. Go Giants! (1/31/11, 10:00 am) 

(Washington, D.C.) — As the New England Patriots and New York Giants prepare to face off in Super Bowl XLVI this Sunday, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-Patriots) and Chuck Schumer (D-Giants) announced on Twitter today that they’ve thrown down the gauntlet in a wager on the outcome.  According to the terms of the bet, a Patriots win means Schumer will buy a New Hampshire craft beer for every member of the United States Senate and a Giants victory requires Shaheen to offer Senate colleagues a round of New York craft beers.

“This Sunday, the only thing sweeter than the taste of craft beer brewed in the Granite State will be the taste of victory when the Patriots beat the Giants,” Shaheen said.  “I look forward to joining the rest of my fellow Senators as we wash down New England’s win with some of New Hampshire’s best brews, courtesy of Senator Schumer.”

“I can’t wait for Senator Shaheen to participate in the I Love New York Brew Campaign by buying the best craft brews in New York and supplying them to every member of the United States Senate,” said Schumer.  “When Big Blue brings Tom Brady and Bill Belichick to their knees, the entire U.S. Senate will understand why we love New York brew.  Go Giants!”