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Shaheen Statement Ahead of 19th Anniversary of September 11th Terror Attacks

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement ahead of the 19th anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks.

“On September 11, 2001, I was Governor of New Hampshire and was in Washington, DC attending a conference with other governors from across the country. I’ll never forget seeing the smoke rising from the Pentagon. Our nation and the world changed forever that day,” said Senator Shaheen.

“But amidst the chaos and destruction, there were so many displays of heroism and bravery. I will always remember the more than 100 fire departments across New Hampshire who called our state Fire Marshall’s Office to offer their services for assistance in New York or the countless physicians, rescue workers, and Red Cross volunteers who made themselves available to help at a moment’s notice.

“As we reflect nearly twenty years later, we remember all those who responded that day: the passengers on Flight 93 who rushed the terrorists and prevented the plane from hitting the terrorists’ target, saving so many lives; the firefighters, police officers and other first responders who climbed the stairwells of the burning World Trade Center and paid the ultimate sacrifice; and all those who courageously responded to the attacks and succumbed to health issues from breathing the toxic air from Ground Zero. Of course, the bravery didn’t end on that fateful day. So many Americans watched the horrifying scenes and answered the call of duty to defend our nation. As a country, we have a sacred obligation to our veteran warriors and our warriors who are still on the battle field. In the Senate, I have no greater responsibility than to do everything I can to make sure that our nation lives up to this promise.

“New Hampshire continues to keep the families of the victims in our thoughts, particularly the Granite Staters who were lost on 9/11. While 19 years have passed, the pain remains and their memories live on.”