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Shaheen Statement on 10th Anniversary of Citizens United Ruling

**Last Week, Shaheen Participated in a Call with Senator Udall & Advocacy Groups to Underscore Damaging Impact of Supreme Court Ruling on American Democracy** 

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement on the 10th anniversary of the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling, which unleashed a flood of unlimited corporate spending in U.S. elections and opened the door for wealthy special interests to have an outsized voice in the government. The decision wrongfully equated money with free speech, and improperly determined that big, wealthy corporations have the same First Amendment rights as people.  

“Over the last decade, we’ve seen dark money flood our elections and influence policy, obstructing urgently needed reform that the American public demanded. Whether it’s addressing surprise medical billing or providing tax relief to middle-class families, corporations are drowning out the voices of the public because of the Citizens United ruling. It’s shameful and tremendously damaging to our democracy,” said Shaheen. “Overturning this case and putting the power back in the hands of the people will continue to be a top priority for me to ensure every voice is heard and opinion is counted.” 

In response to this destructive decision, Shaheen has led efforts in Congress to overturn the case and mitigate the damage done. Last year, Senator Shaheen introduced a Constitutional Amendment with Senator Tom Udall (D-NM), the Democracy for All Amendment, which would overturn the Citizens United ruling and help get big money out of politics. Shaheen has long supported Congressional action to crack down on dark money in politics. Last April, Shaheen joined her colleagues to reintroduce the DISCLOSE Act, legislation that would require organizations spending money in federal elections to disclose their donors and help guard against hidden foreign influence in our democracy. And in September, Shaheen called out millions of dollars worth of dark money ads in New Hampshire and across the country that sought to derail bipartisan efforts in Congress to end surprise medical billing. A report by the New York Times revealed that the group behind this ad campaign, Doctor Patient Unity, is a front for private equity firms on Wall Street.