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Shaheen Statement on Announcement of New Russia Sanctions for Kremlin’s Interference in Ukraine

(Washington DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Ukraine Caucus, released the following statement on the State Department’s announcement of over 38 new sanctions designations related to sanctions evasion and the Kremlin’s ongoing aggression in Ukraine.

“Today’s announcement of additional sanctions designations against those responsible for the Kremlin’s aggression in Ukraine sends a strong message of resolve. Years after the illegal annexation of Crimea,  the Kremlin’s so-called separatists continue to kill and attack innocent Ukrainians. This is as unacceptable now as it was then. While I commend the Departments of State and the Treasury for their swift action on this package, it is imperative that we also consider additional measures in response to the Kremlin’s intrusion in the U.S. election. Last week, the Senate passed the Russia sanctions amendment by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. Only the combination of this amendment and today’s designations can demonstrate that the U.S. is prepared to hold the Kremlin responsible for all of its crimes, whether they be in Ukraine or the United States.”

Sen. Shaheen was a key negotiator on the recent Russia sanctions amendment to Iran sanctions legislation passed by the Senate last week, which would codify, bolster, and add sanctions against the Kremlin in response to Russia’s intrusion in the U.S. elections.