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Shaheen Statement on Biden Executive Orders

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement in response to President Joe Biden signing Executive Orders that address numerous pressing concerns related to the COVID-19 crisis, climate change, economic security, immigration, racial injustice and the census count. 

“President Joe Biden isn’t wasting any time responding to the serious issues impacting New Hampshire families, the United States and our global community. The Executive Orders he signed today are important first steps to get a handle on the COVID-19 pandemic, confront the existential threat of climate change, invest in the economic security of American families, reverse dangerous immigration policies, safeguard the 2020 census count and make overdue changes to help dismantle systemic racism throughout our society. I’m glad to see the President move swiftly, but Congress will have to follow suit with legislative action to ensure lasting, meaningful change,” said Shaheen. “I look forward to getting to work with lawmakers in the new session of Congress and in conjunction with the Biden administration to build on the efforts announced today. President Biden unveiled a robust COVID-19 relief proposal last week and the Senate should move expeditiously and restart bipartisan negotiations to ensure New Hampshire families and all Americans have the assistance they need to survive this crisis. Some of the actions the President took today will help set our national response in motion, including an extension of the moratoria on evictions and foreclosures and continuing a pause on student loan payments. President Biden’s message this morning was one of unity and bipartisanship – I hope all lawmakers were listening and will make a conscious effort to put the partisan politics that divide us in the past so we can come together and deliver for the American people.”