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Shaheen Statement on Bipartisan Healthcare Agreement to Stabilize Marketplaces and Reverse Trump Administration Sabotage

(Washington, DC) – Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Leadership announced a bipartisan agreement that will help stabilize marketplaces, which includes the authorization of cost-sharing reduction payments for two years, among other provisions. Senator Shaheen has led efforts in the Senate to provide marketplace stability by permanently continuing and increasing eligibility for cost-sharing reductions. Earlier this year, she introduced the Marketplace Certainty Act to make this funding permanent and available to more American families.  

“The American people have been pleading with Congress for bipartisan solutions to address costs and stabilize healthcare marketplaces, and today, we finally have significant progress,” said Shaheen. “It’s imperative that Congress consider this agreement as soon as possible. This legislation is urgently needed to begin repairing the damage caused by continued Trump administration sabotage of the marketplaces and the Affordable Care Act that will dramatically increase healthcare costs for thousands of Granite Staters and millions across the country.”