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(Washington, D.C.)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the below announcement following the death of Osama bin Laden:

"Osama bin Laden is dead.  These are words the American people have been waiting to hear for nearly ten years – since the day he brazenly attacked the United States and murdered over 3,000 innocent victims on September 11th, 2001. This is a fitting end for the face of global terrorism – an evil madman whose hatred of freedom and disregard for innocent human life knew no bounds.

"Osama bin Laden’s death is a monumental triumph for U.S. national security interests and a testament to the quality and unrelenting resolve of America’s intelligence, diplomatic, and military establishment.    

"This historic event does not end the threat of terrorism, and we must continue to stay vigilant in protecting the American people from al Qaeda and its extremist allies.  Our battle against terrorism will continue, but a terrible and sad chapter in our country’s history is over."