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Shaheen Statement on FBI, DNI & CIA Consensus that Russia Intervened in the Election to Affect Outcome

**Shaheen: “Congress must send a clear signal that foreign interference in our elections will not be tolerated and those responsible will be held accountable”**

(Washington, DC)— U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, released the following statement after reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) support the CIA’s assessment that Russia interfered in the November election to benefit President-elect Donald Trump.

“Today’s news underscores the need for immediate bipartisan hearings to investigate Russia’s interference once the next Congress convenes,” said Senator Shaheen. “Since September, I have called for Senate hearings on Russia’s efforts to undermine our election and I’m relieved that more Republicans are adding their support. The Intelligence Community and the Administration should provide all relevant information to Congress so that we can craft an appropriate response. Congress must send a clear signal that foreign interference in our elections will not be tolerated and those responsible will be held accountable.”

“Elected officials need to set partisanship aside and work together to preserve the foundation of our democracy. I encourage President-elect Trump to review the evidence and work with the next Congress to ensure that the integrity of the U.S. electoral system is a top priority.”

Shaheen has been a leader in Congress calling for Russian accountability for interference in the election. Shaheen first called for a hearing in September, nearly two months before the November election, in a letter sent to the leadership of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. On December 1, Shaheen renewed her call for a full committee hearing to examine the foreign policy implications of Russia’s interference.