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Shaheen Statement on House Vote to Send Impeachment Articles to the U.S. Senate

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement about the impending impeachment trial in the United States Senate of President Donald J. Trump: 

“Our founders believed, as I believe, that nobody is above the law in this country. That is why they laid out a process for impeachment in the Constitution,” said Shaheen. “The charges against the President are very serious and warrant a fair trial – that is what the American people expect. As a juror in this trial, I will soon take an oath to impartially evaluate the evidence and come to a determination. 

“Particularly in light of new evidence, this trial should include witnesses who can provide additional firsthand information as well as the many documents being withheld by the Trump administration. We should all agree that it is imperative to reveal the whole truth. 

“As the impeachment process moves forward, it should not stop Congress from addressing urgent kitchen table issues important to Americans, such as lowering drug prices, making health care more affordable, supporting our veterans and safeguarding our national security.”