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(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement today after voting against Internet sales tax legislation:  

"I was disappointed the Senate passed such a misguided piece of legislation this afternoon and did so without giving the bill the comprehensive review that it deserved.  This internet sales tax bill would impose countless new burdens on small businesses and could stunt their ability to expand and create jobs," Shaheen said.

"We shouldn’t be imposing new and unnecessary burdens on New Hampshire small businesses, especially when there is no benefit for our state. This bill creates a bureaucratic nightmare by forcing New Hampshire small businesses to comply with 46 different state laws. This could result in serious economic consequences including audits, lawsuits, and a countless number of hours lost in productivity.  

“I will continue to fight this policy because small businesses deserve our support, not more bureaucracy and red tape that impedes their ability to grow.”

Shaheen has been outspoken in her opposition to the bill – which would require online retailers to establish a costly and burdensome sales tax collection infrastructure – and filed amendments to the legislation to exempt New Hampshire from the new regulations.  Senate leadership refused to consider Shaheen’s amendments to the legislation and instead fast-tracked the bill. They were able to secure passage this evening after bypassing Finance committee consideration of the bill.