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Shaheen Statement on Investigation Linking Russia to Downing of Flight MH-17 Over Ukraine

(Washington, DC)-- U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on European Affairs, released the following statement on the Joint Investigative Team report that conclusively links Russia to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine. The report contains evidence that the missile system used to shoot down Flight MH-17 was transported from Russia to Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine and then returned to Russia immediately afterwards, suggesting a deliberate cover-up by Russian authorities.

“This report clearly shows that Russia recklessly enabled separatist forces to kill 298 innocent civilians,” said Shaheen. “Russia’s complicity in this attack is appalling. Even today, the Russian government shamelessly issued another statement denying their role in providing this missile system to Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. This report adds to the mounting evidence that Russia is directly responsible for violence in Ukraine. I stand with the families of the 298 victims from 10 difference countries as they seek justice for their lost loved ones. I applaud the diligent work of the Joint Investigative Team who had to overcome significant obstruction by the Russian government during their investigation.”