(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement after the Senate voted down legislation that would have forced approval of the Keystone XL pipeline:
“Major energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL pipeline need the comprehensive and transparent review process that this bill would have bypassed. Doing so would set a dangerous precedent for similar projects like the Portland-Montreal pipeline in New Hampshire, but with only limited benefits for our state. The majority of the oil transported through this pipeline would be exported to other countries, and, as a result, would have a negligible impact on energy prices in New Hampshire. Furthermore, the temporary jobs created by the construction of the pipeline would not be New Hampshire jobs.
“I opposed tonight’s measure because maintaining the integrity of the regular review process is critical to ensuring the voices of local communities are heard when it comes to projects that will directly impact them. Circumventing this process would set a dangerous precedent for New Hampshire with the potential for serious consequences in our state.”