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Shaheen Statement on New Futures’ 2017 Report on the Economic Impact of Substance Misuse

(Washington DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement on New Futures’ 2017 Report on the Economic Impact of Substance Misuse, released today.

“This report reflects the costly burden of the opioid crisis that is shared by all Granite Staters. Today’s report also shows that, thanks to the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion, more Granite Staters are getting the substance misuse treatment that they need. In New Hampshire, we cannot afford to lose coverage for critical mental health and substance misuse treatment, which was guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act and would be eliminated under the House Republican healthcare plan. I will continue to do everything I can in the Senate to get resources to those on the frontlines of this crisis and ensure that Granite Staters have access to treatment so we can stem the tide of the opioid epidemic and reduce the toll levied on New Hampshire’s families, communities and economy.”

Among its many findings, today’s report found that:

  • At $2.36 billion, substance misuse imposes a cost on New Hampshire equal to $1,780 for every individual living in the state.
  • The productivity cost of substance misuse ($1.56 billion) reduces state and local revenue by $87.6 million annually.
  • Nearly $45 million was spent on substance use disorder treatment in New Hampshire in 2014 and increased substantially in 2015 as a result of the expansion of New Hampshire’s Medicaid program.
  • The Affordable Care Act and requirements for substance use disorder treatment coverage resulted in an increase in insurance claims for substance abuse treatment in New Hampshire from 63,000 in 2012 to over 390,000 in 2014.
  • Medicaid expansion in New Hampshire increased Medicaid funded substance use disorder treatment claims by 34,000, in 2015 (not including medically assisted treatments). Approximately 10,700 individuals received substance use disorder treatments as a result of Medicaid expansion. Because Medicaid expansion required no state government match in 2015 (or 2016), this increase in treatment came at no cost to New Hampshire.