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(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen released the following statement today in response to President Obama’s address to Congress:


 “President Obama tonight laid out an ambitious agenda to put us on a path toward a stable economy while offering immediate assistance to America’s workers, families, and businesses. 


“My top priority in addressing our economic crisis has always been to create and save jobs and provide some immediate tax relief for the middle class.  The economic recovery package is a good start.  Now we must continue to grow our economy by investing in a sustainable green economy, getting the housing market moving again, reforming our health care system, and ending the costly war in Iraq. 


“We need to act quickly to help those in New Hampshire and across the country struggling to make ends meet.  But as we make critical investments in the future of our nation, I agree with the President that we also need to demonstrate accountability and develop a path toward a balanced budget.


“The road ahead of us is challenging.  But if we work hard and work together, I believe we can achieve these goals.  I look forward to continuing to work with the President and Congress to further strengthen our economy and our nation.”