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(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen released the following statement today in response to President Obama’s plan to fight foreclosures and help families stay in their homes:


 “Too many families in New Hampshire and across the country have felt the devastating effects of home foreclosure. Many of these are homeowners who played by the rules and tried their very best to make on-time, monthly payments but have fallen behind because they lost their jobs or otherwise felt the effects of our slumping economy. 


“The housing market led us into this recession and will play a key role in leading us out of it. That’s why I fought to extend the first-time homebuyers tax credit in the economic recovery package. That was a good first step, but there’s a lot more work to do to protect homebuyers, families, neighborhoods, and communities and to stabilize our economy. I am still reviewing President Obama’s plan, but I agree that we need to quickly get the real estate market moving again and help good people who are ready and willing make affordable mortgage payments.”