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Shaheen Statement on President Trump's Congressional Address

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement in reaction to President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress:?

"This evening, President Trump addressed many issues important to Granite Staters and I am committed to working across the aisle on areas of common ground such as combatting the opioid epidemic, rebuilding our infrastructure, providing paid family leave, and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. However, I'm disappointed that many of his promises were significantly undermined by the policies he put forward." 

"It’s time for President Trump and Republican leadership in Congress to move on from their reckless threats of repealing the Affordable Care Act and begin discussions about how we can work across the aisle to improve the law, lower costs and expand coverage. The healthcare proposals put forward by President Trump this evening will reduce coverage and affordability for thousands of Granite Staters."

"In his speech, President Trump again promised to expand substance misuse treatment just one day after proposing a budget outline that would force severe cuts to domestic programs that are critical to supporting New Hampshire's efforts to combat the opioid epidemic.  Doubling down on repeal of the Affordable Care Act and the drastic cuts to the Medicaid program ‎he promised will negate the progress we have made, setting us back in the fight against drug misuse. Once again, the policies put forward by President Trump don't line up with his promises."

"I was also troubled that the President passed up another opportunity to send a truly unifying message to the American people. It's disheartening to again hear him advocate for his un-American Muslim ban executive order and malign immigrants who continue to enrich the fabric of our nation."