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Shaheen Statement on President Trump's Plan to Impose Steep Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

**SHAHEEN: “These tariffs could negatively impact every sector of New Hampshire's economy and will undoubtedly drive up costs for consumers"**

(Washington, DC)—Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after President Trump announced his intention to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminum:

“These tariffs could negatively impact every sector of New Hampshire's economy and will undoubtedly drive up costs for consumers,” said Shaheen. “There’s no question that we need to address unfairly traded steel from China, but we must do so in a way that doesn’t start a trade war that puts New Hampshire’s economy at risk and unnecessarily cuts off markets for New Hampshire’s businesses, such as Canada. President Trump’s impulsive announcement is already sending shockwaves across the world markets. It’s time the President listen to experts who understand that launching a trade war will kill jobs, damage small businesses and hurt families across our country. The President should reverse this ill-considered decision at once.”  
