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Shaheen Statement on President Trump's Summit with Kim Jong Un

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement on the summit between President Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un:

“President Trump is appropriately pursuing diplomacy with Kim Jong Un, and I hope continued discussions will lead to concrete steps to denuclearize North Korea,” said Shaheen. “Progress towards this goal will require close cooperation and clear communication between the President, his administration, and our international partners. I remain tremendously concerned regarding this administration’s actions and harsh rhetoric directed at our closest allies. It’s especially troubling that President Trump’s pledge to end joint military exercises with the South Korean military seems to have come as a surprise to both South Korea and the Pentagon. This concession also appears to have been made without a comparable concession from North Korea. During these delicate negotiations, the President must prioritize alliances and not lose sight of who Kim Jong Un is. His regime’s horrific human rights violations and past retractions regarding denuclearization must not be overlooked. I will continue to urge this administration to make every effort to avoid war, while remaining clear eyed about the North Korean regime.”