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Shaheen Statement on Price Resignation

(Washington, DC) — Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement after Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price announced his resignation:

“In light of the wasteful use of taxpayer dollars to fund his private jet travel, I believe Secretary Price’s decision to resign was appropriate,” said Shaheen. “Going forward, I hope we can get back on track and prioritize the immediate needs of our healthcare system so New Hampshire families, and millions more across the country, have access to the affordable and quality healthcare coverage that they deserve.”

The Trump administration has been systematically dismantling the Affordable Care Act through the Department of HHS as Republican efforts in the Senate to repeal the healthcare policy have repeatedly failed. The President has consistently vowed to let the healthcare system “explode” and has sent marketplaces into chaos by refusing to commit to paying cost-sharing reductions. Cost-sharing reductions help stabilize state marketplaces and make premiums affordable for hard-working Americans. Independent analysis has predicted that refusal to make these payments would make premiums skyrocket by 20 percent next year. The Department of HHS is trying to make it increasingly more difficult for Americans to sign up for healthcare by slashing advertising for open enrollment by 90 percent, cutting the open enrollment period in half, shutting down the Obamacare website for 12 hours on Sundays during open enrollment and canceling administration officials’ attendance at state-enrollment events.