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Shaheen Statement on SCOTUS Decision Striking Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

SHAHEEN: “The Supreme Court’s ruling reaffirms to women across this country that their health decisions belong to them and them alone.”

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling striking down Louisiana’s restrictive abortion laws:

“The Supreme Court’s ruling reaffirms to women across this country that their health decisions belong to them and them alone,” said Shaheen. “As we celebrate this important decision in defense of women’s reproductive rights, we must understand how devastating this would be if the Court had failed us. Roe v. Wade was decided nearly fifty years ago, yet Republicans at every level of government continue to unleash an onslaught of attacks on women’s constitutional rights. I will continue to do everything in my power to protect women’s reproductive freedom.”

Senator Shaheen is an unrelenting advocate for women’s reproductive rights. Senator Shaheen has been fighting for years to increase coverage of women’s preventative care, including through her legislation to reduce the cost of contraception for servicewomen and dependents in military families.  Shaheen has repeatedly fought to repeal the Global Gag Rule, which bans critical federal aid for non-governmental groups that provide the full scope of family planning and maternal health services abroad. She has also led efforts in Congress in opposition to the Domestic Gag Rule, a Trump administration policy that restricts women’s access to reproductive health services at centers funded by the Title X program. Earlier this year, Senator Shaheen condemned Senate congressional Republicans’ continued efforts to strip women of their reproductive rights.